
Charnwood Forest

Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13

Course Status

COURSE OPEN. Updated: 24th Feb 2025

COURSE OPEN. Updated: 24th Feb 2025

Dress Code

We have modernised our dress code to provide a more relaxed, welcoming and inclusive environment for all areas of the club.

On The Course

Please wear:

Appropriate clothing suitable for golf

Footwear designed for golf for your safety

Please don't wear:

Denim jeans

Non-golf T-shirts

Track suits

Rugby, football or similar sporting attire

Gym or beach wear


Clothing with large non-golfing related slogans

New golfers who may not yet own golf appropriate clothing and footwear may attend coaching sessions on the practice area. The golfers will be encouraged by the coaching staff to purchase appropriate wear as their golf journey progresses.

In the Clubhouse 

Dress should be appropriate as is for any other social setting

Wet, ripped or dirty clothing should not be worn

Clean golf shoes may be worn

It is preferred that headwear (other than worn for religious reasons) is not worn in the clubhouse but this is left to the discretion of the individual

Please contact the General Manager on 01509 890259 or if you have any concerns about what to wear.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.